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Restaurant owner faces 6 months in jail for fire safety failings

‘Lives would have been lost’ in the event of fire

The owner of an Indian restaurant in Bristol will spend six months behind bars after pleading guilty to eight offences under the fire safety order.

Mr Zamshed Alam, who runs Bengal Raj restaurant, was handed the sentence at court this week, after an investigation at the premises last year found numerous safety failings.

These included:

•   A failure to have a suitable fire risk assessment.
•   A failure to ensure the premises was equipped with appropriate fire detectors and alarms.
•   A failure to ensure that emergency routes and exits were fitted with adequate fire doors so that people could escape safely in the event of fire.
•   The storage of items in the single means of escape route staircase on both the ground and first floor.
•   A failure to comply with a notice prohibiting the use of the premises for sleeping accommodation.

His Honour Judge Patrick said there was “clear evidence” the premises had been used as sleeping accommodation following the serving of the prohibition notice.

He added: “Mr Alam deliberately ignored warnings and advice from the fire service and had a fire occurred it would have been difficult for employees to leave.”

Station Manager Steve Quinton, T said: “The sentence handed out by the judge should serve as a warning to any business of how seriously breaches of fire safety law are taken.

“As the responsible person, Mr Alam had a duty of care to his customers, staff and those sleeping in the building. Without adequate fire safety measures he put lives at risk.

“All businesses are required to comply with fire safety legislation and I hope this case demonstrates our commitment to protect the lives of people in our community.

“We always try to work with business to improve safety and avoid the need to prosecute, however Mr Alam wilfully ignored two Prohibition Notices by continuing to allow people to sleep in a property which had completely inadequate means of escape.

“Had there been a fire at the premises I’m in little doubt lives would have been lost.”

Original source: Bristol Post